Erstellen Sie einen Index, Glossar oder Abbildungsverzeichnis für Ihr Buch oder für Ihre Sammlung von PDF-Dokumenten.


After a lot of research, I came across the IndexMaker app. Purchasing it was the best decision in terms of price, quality, usability, and support. I had a few questions and reached out to Paul who responded right away and was incredibly kind and helpful. There's a small learning curve as with anything new but the app is really user-friendly. Some of my favorite feautures include the ability to add special characters like diactrical marks for romanized Sanskrit words, eliminating specific page numbers on indexed words, adding annotations to words, and creating hierarchies. This software really is amazing and I am so thankful for the precision and care that went into it's development. I highly recommend this app to anyone looking for indexing software.
(theposhhippie – 03.12.2022)

What a great piece of software, it performed flawlessly. I had to review the manual several times, but the directions were clear and precise. Thank you!
(Skinnywater – 31.12.2021)

Here is a mac native app, that works exceptionally and has -the- best support I've ever experienced. Had a frustrating bug and within hours, the developer had found the issue and sent me a custom version that resolved it until a new version could be published. It's exceptional and light years ahead of its competitors. If you need an index on a Mac, this is the option. Your time is more valuable than the cost of this software. It saved me dozens of hours.
(ecook – 03.11.2020)

Developing a working index that maps into your document and provides clear useful information is a breeze with this software. The learning curve to understand and use the software is not impossible at all. A good index requires you to know your book, but also to have the software that can do it. If a publisher produces your manuscript in a pdf - save yourself the headache - this software will save you time, money and produce great results.
(halothecat – 08.11.2019)

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